St. Paul is built beside a torrent among the southwest foothills of Mt. Athos, 20 minutes walk from the sea. It was probably founded by St. Paul of Xiropotamos and took its name from him. In 1370 it was given to the Serbian monks Gerasimos, Radonnios and Antonios. It was given great assistance by the Serbian ruler Georgios Brankovich. Its Catholicon dates from the years 1839-1844 and its feast day is on February 2. Among the monastery’s relics the best known are the Gifts of the Magi which were donated by the princess Mara, wife of the Sultan Murat I. Legend has it that she tried to present the gifts to the monastery herself but she was stopped on the dock of the port by a voice form heaven telling her that a Queen already stays on Mount Athos, the Virgin Mother. The library holds 494 manuscripts and 12.500 printed works. The monastery is the 14th in the hierarchy of Mt. Athos.