Eagle flag of the Byzantine empire


Holy Monastery of Xiropotamou


Built on a small plateau above Daphne on the southwest side of Mt. Athos, it was possibly founded by St. Paul of Xiropotamos during the 10th century. It was left deserted in the 14th century but rebuilt in the 15th century. During the 18th century it was in decline but later developed due to monk Caesar Daponte. Its Catholicon was reconstructed during the years 1761-1763 and frescoed in 1783. The wood carved temple is a work of unparallel craftsmanship and art. Its feast day is the Forty Martyrs on March 9. Among the relics of the monastery is a piece of the True Cross and a tray made of steatite with scenes showing delicate workmanship. The monastery is the 8th in the hierarchy of Mt. Athos.